
Montessori: What’s in a Name?

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A common question among parents is, “What, exactly, makes a school ‘Montessori’?”  The answer is more layered than you may think.  The truth is, any school can call themselves ‘Montessori’ but the interpretation of the approach can vary greatly.  Read on to better understand the differences...

Humble Beginnings

As you may already know, Montessori education had its start in the slums of Rome, Italy.  Dr. Maria Montessori was a physician who had been studying child development.  She already found some success with institutionalized children who had been deemed uneducable.  Her first school, Casa dei Bambini, was created to serve the children of poor families while their parents worked during the day.  It was here that Dr. Montessori worked to create more materials, observe the children, and further develop her ideas and methods.  

Dr. Montessori’s successes quickly gained attention of the international community and schools began to open across the globe.  

Organization: AMI

Dr. Montessori soon realized the importance for standardization among Montessori schools.  She felt it critical to preserve the integrity of the method, ensure teachers were well-trained, distribute publications, and manufacture materials.  In 1929 she created AMI, Association Montessori Internationale, to meet these goals.

Today AMI has its headquarters in the Netherlands and supports affiliated societies in thirty-five countries around the world, including the United States.  AMI works to provide high-quality teacher training, materials, consulting services, publications, materials, and much more to Montessori schools.  AMI is the original Montessori organization and is regarded as having high standards and preserving Montessori’s original ideas, methodology, and work.

You can learn more about AMI here:

Information about AMI USA can be found here:

New Ideas: AMS

While Montessori had come to the United States much earlier, it wasn’t until the 1960s that its popularity really began to spread.  Nancy McCormick Rambusch was a young American teacher who trained at an AMI center in London.  She was appointed by Mario Montessori (Maria Montessori’s son) to be AMI’s United States representative.  Rambusch opened the Whitby School in Greenwich, Connecticut, and worked to support the spread of Montessori education in the United States.

Over time, Rambusch and her colleagues began to advocate for certain changes within Montessori.  They felt that for Montessori to be successful in the United States certain elements of the curriculum needed to remain flexible.  Leaders at AMI disagreed, arguing for preservation of Montessori’s original ideas in their entirety.  Representatives from both perspectives worked together toward a solution, but eventually parted ways and the American Montessori Society was created.

Rambusch established AMS at Whitby in 1960, and it continues to be the most prevalent Montessori organization in the United States today.  AMS functions similarly to AMI, in that it provides teacher training, publications, and resources to Montessori schools across the country, as well as to a number of international schools.

More information about AMS can be found here:

Montessori Schools Today

As mentioned earlier in this article, any school may call themselves a Montessori school.  Montessori can mean different things to different people, and it can be helpful for parents to understand the differences.  Montessori schools can be public, private, or charter schools.  They may be affiliated with a church, but most are non-denominational.  Beyond those basic definitions, the delivery of a Montessori program can vary widely.  Some of the many possibilities include:

  • Montessori Inspired Schools

Educators around the world have learned from the important work of Maria Montessori.  Her texts and lectures are often regarded as some of the most respected guides to non-traditional education.  The strong emphasis on child development, individualized education, and a beautiful environment appeal to educational facilities across the nation.  Montessori materials are now much more readily available than they were even a decade ago, so preschools or even homeschool families implement them in various ways.  The creation of online programs has increased access to basic teacher preparation.  

  • Montessori Member/Affiliated/Associated Schools

For a school to become an AMS full member school, the school must meet specific requirements.  Most importantly, every lead teacher at the school must be certified through an approved teacher education program (including those affiliated with AMS, AMI, and several other well-respected organizations).  Starting in 2020 there will be additional requirements for heads of school as well.

AMI requires specific standards to be met in all its schools including AMI trained teachers, a full complement of AMI approved materials, and specific requirements concerning class sizes, ratios, and organization of the work period.  Schools that meet a certain percentage of these requirements or are committed to meeting all requirements within three years may be considered affiliated or associated schools.

  • Montessori Recognized/Accredited Schools

Schools who wish to be formally recognized at the highest level by either AMI or AMS must adhere to the strictest of standards.  

If a school meets all the requirements of an AMI school, they may receive an AMI Certificate of Recognition.  Schools must reapply annually.  Details on those requirements can be found here:

For those wishing to be accredited by AMS, the process is typically about eighteen months long and includes the writing of a self-study report, a site visit by a specially trained team of evaluators, and a commitment to ongoing evaluation and improvement.  After initial accreditation, schools must apply for reaccreditation every four years.  More information on the process can be found here:

Still have questions about what it means to be a Montessori school?  We would be happy to chat with you.  Contact us today!

Assessment in Montessori Schools

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Testing is a hot-button topic for many families.  When making decisions regarding your child’s education, it’s important to know a school’s stance on assessments.  Read on to get an idea of where Montessori schools stand.

Let’s Define Assessment…

Merriam-Webster defines assessment as:

“the action or an instance of making a judgment about something : the act of assessing something”.

If we take a look at the evolution of the word itself, we find that assess comes from the Latin word assidere, which means ‘to sit beside’.

While any type of assessment is a means of judging progress, Montessori teachers take the Latin root to heart.  We literally sit beside the child, observing and assessing as we go.

While there are many different forms assessment can take, most of them can fit into two main categories: formative and summative assessment.  Formative assessment happens while the teaching and learning is taking place.  This is the type that Montessori teachers rely heavily on.  It allows teachers to shift gears mid-lesson and to get an instant record of how a child is doing with a particular skill at any given moment.  Summative assessment is more like your traditional test at the end of a unit, or a major standardized test at the end of the year.  These tests are typically data collection points and are often used mostly by the adults and not to give feedback to the student.  

How Do Montessori Teachers Track Progress?

Notes.  Notebooks full of thoughtful and detailed handwritten notes.  At least that’s the traditional way of recording progress.  Many schools are now shifting over to digital platforms that are created for and cater specifically to Montessori schools and their goals and values.  Still, many Montessori teachers continue to keep their own detailed records by hand.

Montessori teachers are masters of observation.  They think like scientists and spend lots of time sitting back and quietly watching the children at work.  When they’re not giving lessons, they’re observing.  They write all these observations down and then review them later to help decide what lessons to revisit, what new materials to present, or even what parts of the classroom environment need attention or change. 

How is Mastery Evaluated?

Often, mastery is evaluated while the teacher is giving a lesson.  Montessori developed a fascinating tool called the ‘three-period lesson’.  When a teacher is presenting new material to a child, they may only present the first period, or the first two, depending upon how the child reacts to the work during the lesson.  When the teacher suspects mastery, the third period portion will be given.  There is a certain amount of variation depending on the subject matter, but the general pattern is as follows:

  • First Period: “This is ____.” The teacher introduces the skill.  If the child is to learn the parts of a mountain, the teacher may say, “This is the summit.  The summit is the highest point of a mountain.”  A visual will be presented along with any other supporting materials.
  • Second Period: “Where is ____?” The teacher provides part of the information and asks the child to identify the rest.  For example the cards highlighting the various parts of the mountain may be laid out and the teacher asks the child to point to each defined part in turn.  “Where is the summit?”
  • Third Period: “What is ____?” The teacher is determining whether the child can independently recall the information.  The mountain cards are now laid out without any labels, and the child must identify the parts without any cues.  “What is this part?”

The best part?  Because of the beauty of the materials and the tone of the classroom, the child perceives this as a sort of game rather than a test to be dreaded.

What About When Children Get Older?

Parents often wonder how their children will make the transition into their local public schools or other more traditional private schools once they age out of their Montessori school.  This is where there’s a little more variability.  Different schools take different approaches, but some give the option of offering some form of standardized testing for their oldest students.  This could be in the form of state testing, or something similar.  This testing is typically not a requirement, but is sometimes an option for students or families who are interested.  Contact us to learn more about how our school handles this transition.

A Note About Self-Assessment:

Montessori classrooms are not just designed for teachers to assess the students, but also for the students to assess themselves.  This is done in two main ways.

Most Montessori materials are autodidactic, that is they are self-teaching.  They have been intentionally developed in such a way that the child can not complete the work incorrectly, or there is a built-in means for them to check their own work.  This looks different at the different levels and is best understood by visiting a classroom to observe, which we always encourage parents and prospective parents to do when they are curious.  When given a lesson on how to use a material correctly, the children learn about these built-in tools and how they can use them to guide their work.

Secondly, Montessori students are taught to be reflective.  As they get older (typically elementary and above), individual meetings with their teacher give them the opportunity to be an active participant in planning their own education.  They are not told what they must do, but they are asked how they plan to accomplish specific goals.  Some of these goals are set by the teacher but others are set by the child.  When needed, teachers will give strategies and suggestions, but the hope is that eventually the child will develop more of these on their own.  

We want our children to be able to take a look at their work and evaluate it with a critical eye, while still basking in the joy of accomplishment and learning.  By not passing obvious judgement in the form of grades or other traditional feedback methods, Montessori children come to see their learning as a constantly fluctuating process that they are empowered by.  If we can instill those values in them as children just imagine what they will be capable of as adults.

Montessori Basics: Freedom Within Limits


“Freedom within limits” is a phrase often used by Montessorians.  What do they mean and what does that look like?  Read on to find out...

The Myth: Montessori schools let children do whatever they want.  The children just play all day and the teachers don’t really teach.  It’s complete chaos.

These types of statements are typically made by people who don’t really know a whole lot about Montessori and haven’t spent time in the schools.  Montessori is very different from traditional and conventional education methods, so it’s natural to draw those assumptions based on limited information.  People who are familiar with the philosophy tend to have a very different take.

The Environment

Preparation of the environment is one of the most important things a Montessori teacher can focus on.  We believe that it is possible to create an environment full of materials that entice children to learn.  These materials are organized very carefully on wooden shelves so that children may access them independently.  As the needs of the children evolve, the offerings on the shelves evolve, too.  

In short, we think about the desired learning outcomes and create an environment that will allow children to achieve them with a certain level of independence.  We want them to satisfy their own learning curiosities and feel empowered by their own education.  We give lessons and we stand back and watch the children practice.

Care of Self

At a very young age children begin to feel a desire to do things for themselves.  Isn’t that what we all want for them?  Sometimes out of habit, and sometimes when we are in a hurry, it can be easy to jump in and do things for our children.  If we are careful to build in the time and structures that allow for independent self-care, it is amazing to see what kids are capable of.

This begins in the toddler class when they are learning to use the toilet independently.  In primary classrooms we actively teach children how to prepare their own snacks, and even encourage them to listen to their bodies’ needs and have a snack when they decide they need it, not when we decide it’s snack time.  Whenever possible, we don’t have our students ask for permission to use the restroom.  We trust them to take care of themselves when they need to.

Have you ever thought about your own attention span?  When we focus on challenging work for long periods of time we need to stop and take breaks occasionally.  This is healthy and makes us more productive in the long run.  We trust children to do the same, but we are right there to guide them back on track whenever they might need a reminder.

Work and Learning

It is true that Montessori children are free to choose their own work.  We want them to learn to follow their interests but we also want to give them opportunities to learn time management skills and responsibility in an authentic way.  While toddlers and primary aged children have lots of choice, older children are expected to follow a general academic framework.  While an elementary teacher is giving small group lessons, the rest of the class is working independently.  Some children might have a written work plan, others might have internalized the need to cover the major academic areas, and still others may need more direct teacher guidance.  Our goal is to meet regularly with each child to check in with their work and have a conversation about how that independence is going.  Children may choose the order in which they do their work, where they sit, and who they work with, but they know that ultimately it’s their responsibility to get it all done.

Parents often ask, “What if my child wants to avoid a particular work?”  This happens with many kids, as we all have things we like and things we don’t!  Montessori teachers give children strategies to address the avoidance.  When a child is younger, we may find a way to tie a personal interest into the work (for example, dinosaur counters in math).  Older children are open to learning work ethic strategies.  We may gently say, “I notice you’ve been avoiding grammar.  Sometimes we save the things that are hard or that we don’t enjoy so much for last, but completing that work first is helpful.  Why don’t you try that today and see how it feels?”  Acknowledging the struggles we all face and providing helpful feedback gives kids the support they need to grow as learners.  

Social Growth

One of the great things about Montessori classrooms is the flexibility we have in regards to time and structure.  Because we don’t ask children to sit at desks (we allow them to make their own seating choices and their own work buddy choices) they are free to have more authentic social interactions.  Kids under six often engage in what we call ‘parallel play’.  That is, they tend to be more apt to work individually beside their friends.  These younger children receive lots of lessons in grace and courtesy and their teachers are nearby to help guide them through any challenging social situations.

Once the elementary years begin, children become very social people.  This is a time in which they are learning all about friendships and how to interact socially with their peers.  They often delight in these interactions, but sometimes they are confronted with conflict.  Montessori teachers have the time to specifically teach conflict resolutions skills and peer mediation.  We are able to sit with children and guide them through the process in such a way that children feel heard, respected, and empowered with the skills necessary to resolve their problems independently in the future.

A Gradual Release

It’s important to remember that while Montessori schools do place great value in the development of independence we recognize it’s not something that happens overnight.  Luckily, when teachers work with children for a three year cycle, they become so tuned in to each child’s needs and progress that their learning experience is truly tailored to the individual.  

We don’t simply expect children to be independent and make great choices right away.  We slowly foster and encourage those values over time.  While paying close attention to each developmental phase and each student’s needs, we can intervene only when necessary.

We all appreciate being able to make our own choices when it comes to ourselves, our work, and our friendships.  Montessori just makes this possible for kids, too.

Montessori Basics: The Prepared Environment

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One of the most important elements of any Montessori classroom is the prepared environment.  Montessori educators put great effort and intention into making sure the classroom environment is organized in such a way that it invites children to learn and aids in their personal independence.  In a Montessori classroom you will not see a teacher’s desk as a focal point.  In fact, you will not see a teacher’s desk at all.  The environment is a tool to be utilized by the children, and it is prepared in a way that serves them best.

Keeping Child Development in Mind

Montessori educators make decisions based on what they have learned in their training and what they know about child development.  Children’s needs are not only different from the needs of adults’, but they are different depending on what developmental phase (or plane of development as Montessori called it) they are in.

One of the most basic elements to consider is the selection of appropriate furniture.  Tables and chairs are sized for the children who will be using them, and they are made of natural materials whenever possible.  Shelves that hold materials are low enough that children are able to easily access their work.  

The materials on the shelves cater to the specific age group that the classroom intends to serve.  While one will certainly notice some commonalities across the levels, materials in a primary classroom are quite different from those in a lower elementary classroom.  This is an intentional approach aimed to meet children where they are developmentally.

Allowing for Movement

Children are not meant to sit in a chair for long periods of time.  Their growing bodies work best when they are able to move around.  Montessori classrooms are designed to empower children and give them opportunities for movement on an individual and independent basis.

If you visit a Montessori classroom, you are likely to find rug space where children can sprawl out, special floor chairs or cushions, group tables, and individual seating.  Children do not have assigned seats, but rather self-select.  They also tend to move around quite a bit between using materials in order to experience variation.  This teaches them to listen to their bodies and recognize when they need to stretch, when they need to rest, when they might work best with a friend, and when they require a bit of time alone.

Montessori classrooms have structures or materials that allow for children to develop gross and fine motor skills within the classroom.  In fact, addressing those developing skills is a main goal of toddler and primary classrooms.  Many have easy access to the outdoors as well.

Areas of the Classroom

The materials one will notice on the shelves of a Montessori classroom are typically arranged into particular areas.  Again, this will look different for different levels, but the basic idea is the same.

A primary classroom is organized into five main areas:

Practical life

This is the area in which your child will practice preparing snacks, cleaning up spills, and caring for plants and pets.


These materials allow children to practice developing and discerning their senses.  There are materials that help children recognize differences in size, shape, smell, sound, and so much more.


This one is self-explanatory, although the materials your preschooler uses to learn basic math skills are a far cry from what many of us experienced as children!


Children at the age area learning basic letter sounds, how to form the letters, basic grammar concepts, and so much more.


In a Montessori classroom, the cultural studies refer to history, geography, and science.  Typically history work is saved for when children read lower elementary and beyond, but your preschooler and kindergartner will learn about botany, zoology, landforms, and biomes of the world.  

In an elementary classroom (and beyond), most of the areas remain, with the exception of the sensorial materials.  Older children have work that focuses on math, language, and the cultural areas, with some age-appropriate practical life studies as well.

Bringing in Nature

There is an unrivaled beauty in the natural world, and as Montessori educators, we believe that nature has much to teach children.  While we place value on giving kids opportunities to get outside, we also take great care to bring the natural world inside to surround them as they learn.  Montessori classrooms are home to things like live plants, class pets, fossils, tree branches, or interesting rocks  These items are displayed beautifully and inspire children to wonder, question, and seek out more.  Children are great collectors, and most parents are familiar with pockets full of pinecones or tiny fingers wrapped around a smooth stone.  Our children are often excited to share these treasures at school, and Montessori classroom encourages inspiration drawn from the natural world.

Simplicity and Order

Montessori classrooms are not painted in bright primary colors, nor will you find walls full of busy posters and student work.  Our environments are kept simple for a reason: we believe that the learning materials are enough to spark a child’s interest.  They do not need anything flashy, and a simple backdrop allows them to turn their focus to learning.  

You have likely noticed that the materials are arranged neatly on the shelves, but did you know that even the order and placement on the shelves is intentional?  Generally speaking, the simplest materials, or the earliest lessons, are placed on the shelves first.  The more difficult or complicated the works get, they are placed from right to left, from the top shelf to the bottom.  Children understand that they must return a material to the exact spot from which they retrieved it.  This sense of order and organization again allows the children to focus their efforts on the work.

The Environment as a Teacher

The Montessori environment is considered one of the greatest teachers of the child.  If the adults prepare it sufficiently, children are able to work largely independently.  When learning and independence are combined, children gain a sense of self that is very difficult to convey otherwise. 

Did you know that most Montessori materials are autodidactic?  That is, they are designed in such a way that the child is able to learn from them without the help of an adult.  If a mistake is made, the work either cannot be completed or can be checked by the child without assistance.  Children understand when they have made an error and can immediately work toward figuring out a solution.

The environment not only teaches the children, but the adults as well.  As Montessori educators, we are keen observers.  If our students are struggling in any way, the first question we ask ourselves is, “What could be altered in the environment to meet the current needs of the child?”  These observations, insights, and adjustments are usually all a child needs to get back on track.

Montessori Basics: What is ‘Practical Life’?


As Montessorians we believe education is more than just academics.  We aim to nurture not only the intellect, but the development of the whole child in an effort to prepare them for all aspects of life.     

Practical life in Montessori begins early; you will find these activities intentionally woven into both toddler and primary classrooms, and beyond.  The activities themselves are intended to give children practice so that they may work toward being independent in everyday living.  Read on to get an understanding of what this looks like in the classroom, and what parents might do to continue this important work at home.

Care of the Environment

Children are not only capable of caring for their environment; they enjoy the process, especially when they are very young.  In Montessori classrooms children are given lesson on how to clean up spills, care for pets and plants, wash dishes, fold napkins, and clean tables.  Each of these lessons is given slowly and methodically, with the adult modeling the correct way to complete each activity.  Children are given tools that are sized to work for them, and these tools are placed within reach of the child so that they may access them independently.

This work can be easily continued at home.  Take the time to model household activities for your child, keeping in mind you will likely need to model the same activity multiple times.  There are a variety of child-sized tools available for purchase, but those are not necessary to accomplish the goal.  For example, if you would like to teach your child how to clean floors, this great set is available, or one could simply use a rag and a spray bottle.  Small dustpan and brush sets are easy to find, too, and will be used for years to come.  Designate a small corner of your home to store these items.  A small bin or basket is helpful, or perhaps low hooks on the wall.

By teaching children how to care for their environment, they gain confidence and independence in their ability to function as a contributing member of the family (or classroom!).

Control of Movement

In most Montessori primary classrooms observers will find a line taped on the floor.  This is placed there as an opportunity for the students to hone their gross motor skills.  Children are meant to walk slowly and with purpose, keeping their feet on the line and balancing as they go.  Sometimes the addition of a bell can add challenge to the activity, with a child walking carefully so as not to allow the bell to ring as they move.  

Similar activities can be done almost anywhere at home.  Children naturally gravitate toward walking and balancing on logs, curbs, or anything else they come across.  The challenge for many of us as adults can be to notice the importance of this activity in the moment, to slow down, and to allow for the child to immerse themselves in the experience.  While it’s not always possible to stop and do this, your child will feel immense pride and accomplishment if they have the opportunity to slow down and just walk.

Montessori teachers also provide lots of fine motor experiences for children.  In their classrooms, there are opportunities for pouring (rice, beans, water, etc.), transferring things from one container to another, and using a variety of implements to do so.  Wondering how this might look at home?  Try letting your child help out in the kitchen.  There is no shortage of scooping, measuring, and using of tools that require concentration and fine motor development.  

Care of the Person

One excellent marker of indepence is how well we are able to care for ourselves.  In Montessori schools children are taught from an early age how to do simple things, such as put on and remove their shoes and coat by themselves.  They are expected to do this daily and they take great pride in doing so.  At home parents can start by allowing children to choose their own clothing (within weather-appropriate parameters) and to dress themselves.  Clothing can be kept on low shelves and in low drawers so that the child may access it easily.

One fun element of this area of practical life is food preparation.  Children are given lessons on how they might prepare a simple snack.  This might include chopping of fruits and vegetables, spreading things like hummus or cream cheese, stirring ingredients together, or any other number of simple skills.  All materials and food are left on a table for the children to access throughout the morning so that they may try the activity for themselves.  Food preparation is a fun and natural activity to repeat in the home.

Grace and Courtesy

Grace and courtesy refers to how we might teach children to be respectful and polite to others.  Much of this work centers on adults modeling the correct vocabulary and movements associated with being polite and courteous in our society.  We teach children to say “please”, “thank you”, “you’re welcome”, and “excuse me”.  We encourage them to hold doors for each other, to offer food to one another, and to check in with anyone who is feeling hurt or upset.  

Grace and courtesy is also about helping children develop empathy.  We are social beings who need to live together peacefully if we are to accomplish anything.  Montessori believed that children are the key to peace among humanity.  This important work begins with simple practical life lessons, and continues throughout childhood and beyond.

A Book List for Parents

Each month we share a book list.  Typically it aims to give parents a list of books to share with their children based on a particular theme.  This month we take a short break from children’s books to provide parents with a list of their own.

Whether you are looking for original titles written by Montessori herself, modern parent-friendly guides, or other books that may be of interest to Montessori parents, this list is for you. (Click on the book's image for purchasing information.)

The Montessori Toddler by Simone Davies

This new and very popular title was recently published via a Kickstarter fund.  Written by an experienced and certified Montessori teacher, it details ways parents can support the unique (and constant!) needs of toddlers.  It shares how Montessori’s ideas can be applied by parents with children ages 1-3 in the home.


Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius by Angeline Stoll Lillard

This book is the ultimate guide for anyone who is discovering Montessori or is interested in gaining a modern scientific perspective of the approach.  Lillard, a professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, was awarded the Cognitive Development Society’s book award for this title.  In an easy-to-read format, she aligns Montessori’s original ideas with current research findings.    


How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way by Tim Seldin

This book was written for parents of children from birth to six years of age.  Now on its second edition, How to Raise an Amazing Child the Montessori Way has helped many families by describing Montessori’s basic ideas and giving clear, helpful examples of what you can do at home to support your child’s development.  Readers will gain information about a wide range of topics like brain development, gentle discipline strategies, and how to foster independence - with plenty of specific strategies.


Montessori Madness! A Parent to Parent Argument for Montessori Education by Trevor Eissler

This much-loved and easy to read book is another great introduction to Montessori.  Written by the parent of Montessori children it weaves the stories of one family’s journey into the teaching of Montessori’s hallmarks, including the sensitive periods, the prepared environment, and freedom of choice.


Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv

This is not a Montessori book, but will appeal to Montessori parents nonetheless.  Louv writes about how time spent in nature directly relates to child development.  He argues that many of the physical and emotional issues faced by children today are a direct result of our decreased contact with the outdoors.  Louv was the 2008 recipient of the Audubon Medal; you can learn more about his work at


Interested in reading some of Montessori’s original works?  Check out these titles:

What You Should Know About Your Child by Maria Montessori

Writing directly to parents, Dr. Maria Montessori published this book in an effort to teach parents what she had learned about both physical and mental development of young children.  Many of Montessori’s works in their original form can be hard to find on sites like Amazon; NAMTA (the North American Montessori Teachers’ Association) has a website that is a great resource for parents and educators.


The Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori

Montessori considered the period of birth to six years of age to be the most significant developmental period in a child’s life.  This book illustrates those developments and how we might prepare an environment conducive to aiding the child on this journey.  


The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori

This book is another great summary of Montessori’s work and ideas.  It is based on the concept that children desire to learn, that as adults our role is to recognize their potential, and what we can do do facilitate their growth.  While traditional education encourages teachers to be the center of a classroom, Montessori education focuses on the child.  Children are given the freedom to make their own work choices, while the adults are there to serve as support and guides.


To Educate the Human Potential by Maria Montessori 

This book was written to explain how the Montessori method applies to children older than six years.  The elementary curriculum is very different from the primary curriculum.  This is intentional and out of respect for the child’s development.  Children at the elementary level are very social, have wonderful imaginations, and experience a deep craving to learn about the world and universe.  In this book Montessori outlines how we might prepare an environment that serves older children and their unique developmental needs.