
Montessori Basics: The Language Curriculum


Have you ever wondered how Montessori guides teach children about language?  Parents are often astounded when they observe children learning to read at a young age in our schools.  What’s the secret?

There’s no secret - we’re happy to share our methods!  Read on to learn more about our approach, how we align our teaching with a child’s natural development, and what the progression looks like as children get older.

Early Language Activities

Children’s language development begins long before they enter the classroom.  Dr. Montessori asserted that children from birth to age 6 were in the age of the absorbent mind.  During this time they are able to learn language simply by living around others who are using language.  Montessori classrooms incorporate both spoken and written language into the environment to further enrich this early learning.

In our primary classrooms we teach children songs and poems so that they may hear and experience language in a fun and playful way that appeals to them.  We encourage parents to do the same!  Share poems from your childhood with your children and discover new ones together.  Sing your favorite songs from when you were little, or enjoy kid-friendly tunes from musicians such as Raffi or Tom Chapin.

Montessori guides introduce children to as much vocabulary as possible in their early years.  This may start with naming objects around the classroom, but will also expand toward specialized nomenclature.  Children learn the names of the continents, plant and animal names, and specific terms that apply to areas of interest.  These vocabulary words are spoken and shown in written form. 


As you may have guessed, writing starts earlier in Montessori classrooms than in many other settings.  Consider the goal of writing: to visually communicate one’s ideas with others using standardized symbols.  This is actually separate from the ability to hold a pencil and form strings of letters, words, and sentences on a piece of paper.

Once a child has a basic understanding of most of the letter sounds, they begin to use a material called the moveable alphabet.  Exactly what it sounds like, the moveable alphabet is a box containing sorted wooden letters.  Children lay the letters out to write words, and eventually sentences.  At this stage we do not expect children to conform to conventional spelling, but rather we allow what is often referred to as inventive spelling.  “I love my mom” may look like “I luv mi mom”.

Montessori classrooms use many materials to help children strengthen their finger muscles in preparation for the physical act of handwriting beginning at age 3, or arguably even earlier.  Our experience has taught us that children are ready to express themselves in writing before they are ready to start writing in the traditional sense.  That pencil-to-paper writing usually starts in kindergarten, though it varies with individual children.


One beautiful material that you have likely seen is called the sandpaper letters.  The letters are used to teach both reading and writing.  

It’s important to note that when Montessori guides begin teaching children about letters, our focus is on the sounds the letters make and not so much their names.  This means we do not teach the alphabet song, because knowing the names of letters isn’t really helpful in learning how to read.  That’s not to say there is no value in such learning; it will certainly come in handy when learning to alphabetize, or when talking about letters when they are a bit older.  We just want parents to know that if you want to continue the work we do in our classrooms, consider using a letter’s most commonly used sound when referring to it.  

An example: when a Montessori child learns to spell cat, they will say, “k-ah-t” rather than “see-ay-tee”.

Object boxes are used to help children learn to read as well.  A box labeled with the letter p may contain tiny toy versions of a pig, pot, pin, etc.  Eventually, children are able to match the objects with label cards.

Much of our reading work is done while teaching children other subjects.  For example, if they are learning about mammals, they will read lots of text at their level about mammals.  

There are also special series of books used by many Montessorians, including Miss Rhonda’s Readers (created by a Montessori guide) and Bob Books.  Guides typically prefer that families not use these same books at home.  Young children are often able to memorize text, and if they have been exposed to the same books at home and school, it can be difficult for guides to have an accurate observation of the child’s true decoding skills.  Check with your child’s guide if you’re curious or would like some advice on what books to read at home.

Card materials are also used as children progress, allowing guides to help children isolate specific sounds and blends.  One series of cards/lessons may focus on the various ways to make a long a sound.  One color of cards displays words containing ai, another will contain ay, and yet another will teach children about words with the silent e.

Word Study

This area of study includes a wide variety of skills and begins once a child has begun to read; some of the earlier lessons are given during the final (kindergarten) year of primary, but many are given during the first two years of lower elementary.  The guide will give the child a lesson teaching the skill.  In the days and weeks following, children practice the skill independently using special card materials.  The skills include:

  • Classification

  • Alphabetizing

  • Compound words

  • Synonyms

  • Antonyms

  • Prefixes

  • Suffixes


Grammar is taught early and in what we call a spiraling curriculum; that is, we circle back on the same content as the child gets older, building on previous knowledge and giving more depth to their understanding.  Parts of speech are taught in a very specific order, and each one has a corresponding symbol that children use in many activities.

Beginning in the final year of primary, children typically learn about nouns, articles, and verbs, as well as their corresponding symbols.  This helps them to understand the core parts of our sentences and gives them an introduction to grammar in a way that appeals to them. 

Sometime during that final year in primary or the first year of lower elementary, children are introduced to grammar through what we call the function of words.  Traditionally, a model of a farm, complete with animals, is used to guide children through the process.  Again, they begin by learning that nouns are naming words, and they name each animal and feature of the farm.  They then go on to learn the corresponding articles, followed by all other parts of speech, including adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections.

Once a child has learned the functions of words, they will move on to the Montessori grammar command cards.  Knowing that children learn by doing, these cards give children specific directions to physically follow so that they may experience the words for themselves.  

Another classic Montessori activity involves the use of colored wooden grammar boxes.  Children use cards to recreate sentences, word by word, and sort the words by various parts of speech.

There are many extensions to grammar work that Montessori children enjoy.  Some will write their own sentences and use colored pencils to label each word with its corresponding grammar symbol.  Others enjoy using grammar strips: a material that shows a series of grammar symbols which students must use a guide to write a sentence with that particular pattern.

Sentence Analysis

Going beyond grammar, elementary-aged children learn to analyze sentences.  This begins simply with subjects, verbs, direct, and indirect objects.  As children get older and have a better grasp on language, the work extends considerably.

Children in upper elementary classes learn about complex sentence structures.  This includes structures like predicate adjectives and nominatives, attributive adjectives, various types of phrases and clauses, and many more.

For seasoned Montessori parents: did you learn anything new from this article?  New families: what do you find the most interesting, or what do you still have questions about?  As always, we believe in the power of observation, and we invite you all to schedule a time to sit and observe in one of our classrooms.

5 Reasons Your Child Should Journal This Summer (and how you can get them started)


Whether you have a major family vacation this summer or you plan to take a more low-key and local approach, your child is sure to have some fun experiences and adventures.  Capturing these experiences can be done a variety of ways, and one way is to write them down! Journaling has many benefits for children (and adults, if you would like to join in on the fun).  Even very young children who are not yet writing can journal!

First things first: it’s important to make sure you get the right journal for your child.  If your child is a writer, take them to your local bookstore or office supply store and have them select a journal or notebook they like.  This small act of choice will make them more likely to use it than if you decide for them.  Keep in mind the size of the lines on the pages should be a consideration; early writers often need slightly larger lines to make handwriting a bit more comfortable for them.

For children as young as three years old that have not started writing yet, a drawing journal is your best bet.  We love this one, as its large, spiral-bound pages hold together well and provide plenty of space!

In addition to the journal, you can just use whatever pencils, markers, or other writing utensils you have on hand.

Journaling can be done daily, whenever the child has experienced something special, or just as the mood strikes.  Remember to encourage your child to date each entry, or date it for them if they are on the younger side.

On to the benefits…

1. Journaling is an excellent creative outlet.

Whether the journaling consists of drawing, writing, or a combination of the two, having a designated place to record our thoughts is a perfect way to encourage creative thinking.  This is a space that is truly the child’s own, and they get to write their own perspective in a way that is pleasing to them.  They are likely to explore rich language, dialogue, or testing out phrases they have heard others use.  Use of color can help convey different meaning and feeling, and they will experiment with this!

Creativity is the place where we come up with new ideas, ways to solve problems, and take risks in a way that feels safe and supported.

2. The practice can help children observe the natural world.

Maria Montessori was a scientist who believed strongly in the power of observation, and as educators who follow her methods, we hold this practice in high regard.  Taking the time to notice what is going on around us, using our senses, and recording these observations helps us make sense of our experiences.

Did you and your child move worms from the sidewalk after a rainstorm?  Did they discover pieces of a crab shell on the rocks by the beach?  Did you spot an interesting mushroom while walking in the woods?  If it sparked something in your child, encourage them to write about it as soon as you get home.  They likely learned something important in that moment, and writing about it will solidify that learning, and perhaps lead to even more.

3. Journaling is a great way to explore emotions.

Children experience the same range of emotions we do, but they have not yet developed all the skills for making sense of them or regulating them.  Having a place to write down their feelings is a healthy habit to build, and a positive way to work through difficult situations.

There is something to be said for getting our thoughts and feelings down on a piece of paper.  Even if no one else ever reads it (and your child may prefer it that way), finding words that express our emotions can feel validating. 

The next time your child is feeling sad, angry, frustrated, or even joyfully elated about something, remind them that their journal is a great way to feel their feelings and figure out what they can do with them.

4. Using a journal helps children record important memories.

What would you give to have a childhood journal detailing your summer vacation adventures?  Perhaps you do, and it’s a treasure you will hang on to and share with your own children.  Starting a journal while we are young is a gift that keeps giving.  In the moments that a child writes in it, they reap so many positive benefits.  Months or even years later when they return to their writing, they will be able to relive the memories.

So many of the small moments we experience are fleeting.  If we don’t take the time to acknowledge them, they are gone forever.  A written record helps us enjoy those moments forever.

5. They will become better writers (even if they’re not writing yet).

Just the act of retelling what happened - in words or pictures - is great practice for writers.  Features such as logical sequencing, main events, and supporting details will become naturally woven into the pages of your child’s journal.  Like anything in life, the more we practice, the more proficient we become.

For those that are beginning to write words, they will have unlimited opportunities to experiment with vocabulary, punctuation, and sentence structure.  Without the pressure and confines of standardized conventions (like a teacher correcting spelling), they will feel free to stretch and take risks as writers.  While conventions are important in formal writing, the development of unique and authentic writer’s voice is just as difficult and perhaps even more important.  Having a journal all their own creates the perfect space to learn what their own voice sounds like.

We hope your child enjoys trying our journaling this summer.  If you find the idea inspiring, give it a try yourself and journal right alongside them.  Happy adventures!

One Word Writing

A piece of writing from one of our Middle School students hinging on one word. Can you guess which word it is?

A little boy always sat alone. Not wishing, not wanting. The other kids at school constantly teased him, because he never spoke. He gazed off into the meadows and forests and valleys. Time passed; first grade, third grade, tenth grade. The boy tolerated and ignored their jostling and prodding. Finally, one day, the he just stopped. He stopped looking at meadows and forests and valleys. He stopped listening to birdcalls and the wind. He stopped. He tried to act like the others. He spent every day playing a part. He now sat with company, but he was more alone than ever. Time passed; high school, college, adulthood. The grayed man sat by his window, wishing, wanting, reading obituaries of the people who had once teased him. A leaf fluttered on the wind outside, blowing onto his lap through the open window. He studied it delicately, noticing how paper thin it was, just like him. Then he stopped. He stopped pretending, and he stopped fooling the world. He listened and saw and felt and heard. An old man sat alone. Not wishing, not wanting. -E

One Hundred Word Stories

For this week's writing project, our middle school students were asked to write a 100 Word Story. We're sharing a few here.

She is dreaming. Dreaming of flying with the birds. She swoops through the clouds, graceful and swift. She sees the city below her, but only the sky above. Endless, blank sky. She drops through the clouds so she can see the land more clearly. There are buildings, small as anthills and cars, like ants, dodging between them. And there is the ocean! Deep, empty, never ending, just like the sky. She flies towards it. There are boats and a few small islands, but so much of the ocean is empty, quiet and beautiful. Then she is falling, falling towards the sea. . . .  -HMS 7th grade student

I am a snowflake, beautiful, crystalline. I am a snowflake, carefully constructed. We are packed tight, but we know. We know that any minute one of us will fall from this cloud, from each other. I have never been a snowflake before. I have been shower water and a puddle and flower nutrients, and even holy water that has been blessed and scented. Snowflakes begin to fall. There are less and less of us separating me from open air. My first fall. I detach from the others and I am alone, falling, drifting, gliding down to an uncertain future.  -HMS 7th grade student

Eyes open to the crashing chirps of the clock. Weary days, waking, breakfast, work, money, winter; stumbling in and out of the bathroom, closet, chair, out of his house. Doors slam. The man trudges to work. Weighing and boxing paper clips, sitting for minutes, hours, days, and dreary years. 100 clips. 180 boxes. 9 hours. 162,000 clips. He trudges home, buying a hot cocoa. On the curb, a girl in a poncho stares at the puddle and paper cup at her feet, dog sitting by; guilty. Minutes later the man opens his front door, no cocoa in hand, smile flickering.  -HMS 9th grade student

One hundred words. That seems like a lot of words, but it only come out as about a paragraph, which isn't very much. I hear one hundred and naturally think "big". In the right context, one hundred is a big number, but really, when compared to even greater numbers, such as one million, its size pales in comparison, and comes off looking quite small. So, when you think of the huge amounts of words in a story, the one hundred words in a paragraph don't even come close to seeming a significant part of the story. Not even.  -HMS 8th grade student