Book List: Cultivating Resilience

We love books, and we know your children do, too. That’s why each month we bring you a fresh list of ten titles that center on different themes. This month we’re thinking about resilience. Teaching our children to stick with it when a task seems challenging is a lesson that takes years to impart. One way is to encourage them when they are faced with real-life difficulties. Another is to share stories of people who have overcome their own. If you’re interested, talk to your child about what resilience means, then discuss how the people in these biographies pushed through their own challenges to find success and happiness. (Click on the book images to go to that book’s page on Amazon.)


Lighter Than Air: Sophie Blanchard, the First Woman Pilot by Matthew Clark Smith, illustrated by Matt Tavares

This lovely book tells the tale of Sophie Blanchard, a generally overlooked figure in history who happened to be the first female pilot. Other women had taken to the skies previously, but she holds the distinction of being the first waoman to fly a balloon solo and steer its course. This is a great tale of overcoming boundaries and following childhood dreams.


Henry’s Freedom Box: A True Story From the Underground Railroad by Ellen Lavine, illustrated by Kadir Nelson

When we think of the underground railroad, our most common idea of what people went through involved traveling from house in the darkness of night. There were other ways, however, that people utilized to reach the freedom of the north. Henry sought the help of two trusted friends and mailed himself to freedom in a wooden box. Two notes of importance: this book is best for children in elementary grades and above, as it discusses complex racial issues that younger children are not developmentally ready for. There is one page on which the author describes Henry’s slave master as “good”. We assume the author meant good in a relative sense, but we think it would be advisable to stop on this page and have a discussion with your child about whether any slave master can really be a “good” one. Nevertheless, this book is an incredible tale and Henry’s story is an important one to pass on to younger generations.


Grace Hopper: Queen of Computer Code by Laurie Wallmark, illustrated by Katy Wu

Grace was resilient from a young age, and continued to be so throughout her life. The book discusses her trouble putting together an alarm clock she took apart as a child, which led her to disassemble seven clocks in order to learn enough about the to fix the original one. Wallmark tells of her trouble passing Latin (which prevented her from entering college initially) and the work she put in to pass the course and reach her goals. In a male-dominated world, her peers focused on studies such as how to be a good wife and mother, while Grace studied math, sought out adventures, and spent more than a year convincing the Navy to allow her to join (even though she was considered too old and skinny by their standards). Hopper went on to be a pioneer of computer coding, and her work is influential even today.


A Boy and a Jaguar by Alan Rabinowitz, illustrated by Catia Chien

This autobiography tells the incredibly moving tale of a young boy faced with stigma and driven by passion. Rabinowitz grew up as a stutterer, and was misunderstood at school. The only time he felt truly at ease was when he was with animals, and especially when he was able to visit a jaguar at the Bronx Zoo. Saddened by her bare enclosure, he promised her he would work to change that one day. As an adult, he beat the odds and became a scientist who fought for conservation, eventually helping to create the first and only jaguar preserve.


Shark Lady: The True Story of How Eugenie Clark Became the Ocean’s Most Fearless Scientist by Jess Keating, illustrated by Marta Alvarez Miguens

As a young girl, Eugenie would stare at the sharks in the aquarium and marvel at the intelligence and beauty of the creatures most people thought were anything but. While her mother supported her dreams, most of society did not; she was encouraged to be a secretary or a housewife, but not an ocean explorer. As you might imagine, she worked hard to achieve her goals. During the course of her career, Clark discovered new species, debunked long-held assumptions about sharks, and became a strong advocate for conservation.


John Muir and Stickeen: An Alaskan Adventure by Elizabeth Koehler-Pentacoff, illustrated by Karl Swanson

Muir is famous for his adventures, but this book zooms in on the events of one particular day. Accompanied by Stickeen, a friend’s dog, he set off to trek across an Alaskan glacier. Stickeen was no ordinary dog; he refused affection from humans and had a sense of adventure that rivaled that of Muir’s own. Faced with treacherous conditions and fading sunlight, the pair stuck together and found a way safely back to camp.


The Girl Who Ran: Bobbi Gibb, the First Woman to Run the Boston Marathon by Frances Poletti and Kristina Yee, illustrated by Susanna Chapman

Bobbi loved to run, but as she grew older she found herself surrounded by people who told her she shouldn’t - including her own parents. She dreamed of running in the Boston marathon, so she set off from home to train across the country where no one could tell her not to. When she finally sent in her registration it was denied, so she put on a disguise, snuck into the race, and made history.


The East-West House: Noguchi’s Childhood in Japan by Christy Hale

Noguchi spent his boyhood feeling caught between two worlds. His American mother brought him to Japan as a young child so that they could live with his father. They soon realized his father had another family, and Noguchi and his mother went off on their own. Never quite feeling like he belonged in Japan, though also feeling out of place among Americans, he struggled to find his path. When he was 8 years old he designed and oversaw the construction of his family’s new home, sparking a creative interest that would fuel the eventual career of this famous artist.


Nelson Mandela by Kadir Nelson

The second book on our list illustrated by Nelson, he is also the author of this title. The book begins with Mandela’s boyhood, and how he was sent away from his home so that he might have a good education and more opportunities in life. Readers learn about how he became a lawyer and fought for justice among South Africans, eventually ending up imprisoned because of his work to fight the apartheid. Though so much of this book focuses on Mandela’s struggles, it does so in a way that is accessible for children, and the story does highlight the support he received from the people of his country and his triumphant rise to lead South Africa later in his life.

Happy Reading!

Helping Children Deal With Fear


Every child feels fear from time to time. Whether it’s about the monster under the bed or thinking about a scary story a friend told them, it can be tricky as a parent to know how to help our children through those moments. This week we share our thoughts on fear and what we can do for our kids.

The science behind fear

Fear is one of the most primitive emotions we experience. Historically it served (and continues to serve) a vital function for survival. Fear is essentially what we feel when our brain perceives stimuli as dangerous.

A small part of our brain called the amygdala is where fear originates. Sensory information is sent here to process first; for example if you were to smell smoke in a building or hear a growl behind you in the woods, your amygdala would be the first to know. Your focus would become heightened, you might feel a rush of adrenaline, and your heart begins to beat faster as you decide what to do. This reaction is especially helpful in wild animals who are constantly faced with decisions that will affect their survival. It’s not always so helpful in humans who don’t have as many dangerous scenarios to contend with on a daily basis.

Luckily, humans are equipped with some highly-developed portions of the brain: the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. These are the areas that allow us to think critically and analyze information in ways that most organisms cannot. This is why some people enjoy scary movies, haunted houses, or other similar forms of entertainment. We are able to separate the physical response our amygdala sends with the reality we see before us. Unfortunately, there are times when our critical thinking doesn’t quite stand up to the job. Times of high stress are certainly one of these scenarios, as are certain chemical imbalances in the body. Children, and especially young children, haven’t yet formed a solid basis of reality and fantasy, so it can be very challenging for them to sort out what dangers are real and which ones are not.

Interestingly, our body’s physical reactions to fear are very similar to our physical reactions to excitement in positive situations. For example, in many ways you experience the thrill of riding a roller coaster in the same way you experience skidding in your car on an icy road. While on the roller coaster you might find yourself laughing, in your car, you'll likely feel yourself gripping the steering wheel and gritting your teeth. In both situations, your heart is pounding, your breathing quickens, and you’re not able to focus on anything else. Understanding this phenomenon can be helpful when we find ourselves feeling fearful about something we know doesn’t really present a true danger.

Explaining fear to children

Talking to your child about fear is a good idea, especially if it’s an emotion they’re experiencing frequently. How you explain it really depends on where they are developmentally. 

For the younger child, it can be helpful to tell them that fear is a normal part of being human. Acknowledge that it feels uncomfortable and emphasize that they are safe. Don’t minimize their fears, but gently help them explore the reality of the situation. A little snuggle time can go a long way.

As children get older, they might benefit from having you explain the science behind fear in a way they can understand. Again, we don’t want to minimize children’s fears, but we can certainly combine acknowledging them with gentle questioning. “I know you are afraid of that scary movie you saw with Grandpa. Do you think that could happen to you?”

Consider saving these types of discussions for a time when your child is not in the midst of experiencing fear. Unless you already had a conversation you can refer back to in the moment, they won’t be able to process new information at that time. Save it for later, when they are feeling calmer.

Practical tools that help

While we don’t necessarily want to discuss the science of fear while our child is in the middle of feeling afraid, there are things we can do to help them. Try these:

  • Mountain Breath: Holding your hand in front of you, stretch out your fingers. Using one finger on the other hand as a pointer, begin on the outside edge of your pinky and trace upward. Stop at the tip of your finger, then begin to trace downward toward the valley between your pinky and ring fingers. Repeat this with your ring finger toward your middle finger, and so on for the rest. Each time your finger traces upward, breathe in while imagining that finger is climbing a mountain. At the fingertip, pause, hold your breath, and imagine you are looking around to enjoy the view. While you trace down the other side of your finger, let your breath out slowly as you envision yourself climbing down the mountain. Repeat 2-3 times.

  • 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise: This helps remind the brain that we are not actually in that scary place, but in this safe place right now. Begin by looking around and naming 5 things you see (wall, shirt, mom, hand, chair). Next, name 4 things you can touch, while touching them (fabric, wood, hair, skin). Lastly, name 3 things you hear (fan, breath, cat). The numbers 2 and 1 are meant to tap into our sense of smell and taste, which isn’t always practical in the moment and can be left out.

  • Meditation: Many types of meditation, especially when practiced regularly, can help ease our fears. If you’re interested in giving this strategy a try, look into body scan meditation (great for relaxation at bedtime!), loving-kindness meditation (for cultivating gratitude), and observation meditation (to see our fears more objectively).

Accepting the fear

Perhaps unsurprisingly, one of the hardest ways to escape our fears is by trying to escape our fears. We can remind our children that feeling afraid is normal, and it’s okay to feel that way. We can notice the ways in which our body reacts to fear. We can pay attention to what kinds of situations make us feel afraid. We can try to learn more about ourselves. We can accept that fear is just a part of our lives.

This goes for parents, too. We hate to see our children feeling badly. We instinctively want to make things better for them, but that’s not always possible. We can listen, we can validate, we can teach, but beyond that we need to accept that fear is a normal part of growing up. And, as we know, it’s a normal part of being a grownup, too!

Montessori Basics: Cosmic Work

Last month we shared an article about Montessori’s elementary curriculum: coined cosmic education. This month we dive a bit deeper to share an interesting concept Dr. Montessori wrote about and considered when developing her work for elementary children.

A definition

Cosmic work, or a cosmic task, is that which anything in the universe does to contribute to the greater good, most often unknowingly. Dr. Montessori felt that teaching elementary-aged children about cosmic work throughout Earth’s history would serve as inspiration for them as they define their own cosmic work over the course of their lives. Cosmic work serves as an idea to support the symbiosis of all things.

“They (children of the first plane) have already absorbed the immediate environment and the restricted society they and their families have dealings with. You must try to give the child what he now longs for: the understanding of the world, how it functions and how it affects the life and behavior of humanity.” -Maria Montessori, To Educate the Human Potential


Cosmic tasks can be found wherever you look. A small sampling of examples: 

  • Bees collect nectar and pollen from flowers to feed themselves and their colonies. At the same time, they unknowingly pollinate the flowers, allowing plants to reproduce.

  • Flowers rely on birds, bees, and other insects to pollinate them. They are, at the same time, providing food for many organisms.

  • Ancient plant and animal life died and chemically transformed into coal and oil. Though these creatures were just experiencing their natural life cycle, they inadvertently created materials that have been used by humans as energy.

  • More than 2 billion years ago, photosynthetic microbes began to appear in our oceans, thus creating oxygen in our atmosphere that would later support the respiration of a wide variety of life.

  • Even inorganic entities can have a cosmic task. For example, the sun is just burning because of its natural nuclear fusion. As a result, it gives warmth, light, and energy to countless organisms on our planet.

In the materials

There are a wide variety of ways Montessori guides support this learning in the elementary classroom environment. One of the most evident and impressionistic is via the Timeline of Life material. Mentioned in our previous cosmic education post, this gorgeous color-illustrated wall hanging teaches children about the evolution of life on our planet. Through many lessons and discussions they learn about various organisms and the impact each has made on the development of Earth and other living things.

Montessori elementary science curriculum focuses largely on biology, including a general overview of the five kingdoms, differentiation between vertebrates and invertebrates, zoology, and botany. During the course of a three-year cycle in a class, a child will learn much about living things and how they relate and react to one another.

“The child will develop a kind of philosophy, which teaches him the unity of the universe. This is the very thing to organize his intelligence and to give him a better insight into his own place and task in the world.” - Maria Montessori, International Montessori Conference. Amsterdam, 1950

Beyond learning the basics of biology, Montessori students study the history of human beings. From the earliest humans to ancient civilizations and the consideration of how we form and function within our societies today, we give children a multi-faceted view of human beings. Learning about our ancestors and how we have organized ourselves over the years gives children a framework into which they can better understand human evolution and impact.

Questions and connections

As with most skills and lessons in Montessori schools, our aim is not to deliver facts for children to memorize, but rather to inspire them to ask questions and seek out the answers. This aim cultivates a lifelong love of learning rather than a view that school is just an information delivery system.

Teaching elementary children about cosmic work appeals to them because they are beginning to consider their own place in the universe. When we learn about how each organism (and even nonliving things) have contributed to the success of others, it’s only natural to make the jump to considering one’s own purpose. 

In combination with leading children to consider their own purpose and path, we want them to view the cosmic work of humanity as a whole. What is the purpose of humans as a species? Our consciousness gives us the opportunity to consider this task in ways that other organisms cannot; does this mean we can choose the path of our influence or will be unknowingly contributing just like all the others? There may not be a straightforward answer, but it’s certain a fascinating idea for both children and adults to consider.

Dr. Montessori wasn’t the only person to think this way. Many others share similar thoughts. One notable example is Thomas Berry, famed cultural historian and author. In his book The Great Work: Our Way into the Future, he discusses how humans might consider our influence on the planet and its ecosystems. He presents the idea that our earth is at a critical period of transition, and that humans may have the ability to influence the outcome.

Hopefully this topic has been as fascinating for you as it is for us. We leave you with a quote from one of Montessori’s most foundational and influential educators:

“Cosmic Education results in creative attempts to lead a new and different kind of human life, with responsible participation in all natural and human phenomena.” -Camillo Grazzini, 24th International Montessori Congress 2001

10 Little Ways to Show Them You Love Them


We all tell our children we love them, and it’s so important that they hear it! Looking for some fun ways to mix it up and show them you love them? Check out our ten tips:

1. Keep some dry erase markers handy

Dry erase markers work really well on glass surfaces such as windows and mirrors. No matter what age your child is, this simple and fun idea will put a smile on their face: using the markers, leave your child random notes. We use the word “note” loosely; pictures count, too, especially for little ones who aren’t reading yet! You don’t need to be a natural artist or poet, either. A simple “Good morning!” on the bathroom mirror with a shining sun is a nice surprise for anyone.

2. Go beyond the lunch note

You’ll need a permanent marker for this one. The next time you pack a banana or a hard boiled egg in your child’s lunch, have fun with a little simple art! Eggs are the perfect shape to draw silly faces on, and bananas are great for a short note or just a row of hearts.

3. Play

This one can be tough. At the end of a long day, we adults are tired. Oftentimes, the last thing we want to do is play a game with our child that’s not overly interesting to us. We challenge you to muster up just a little energy, though, for that time spent together can make a huge difference in how they feel. Build with Legos, play a board game, or put together a puzzle. The joy on your child’s face will be well worth it.

4. Use music

Humans can’t help but react to music. Use this to your advantage to make monotonous moments fun! Play your child’s favorites as a way to wake them up in the morning, to help them get through boring chores, or to dance around the kitchen while you’re making dinner together. Play them some of your favorites, too! 

5. Put your phone down

It’s really easy to get sucked into our smartphones. Our devices are so helpful in so many ways, but we should be careful that they don’t get in the way of our human relationships. When you’re with your child, really be with your child. They won’t feel like they have to compete with a screen, and you will enjoy the time more.

6. Really listen

Our lives are full. Really full. Even the most organized people can feel rushed and overscheduled. Make sure you take some time to slow down and really listen to and hear your child. What are they trying to tell you? This can be especially important when they pour their hearts out at bedtime. Be there for them when they’re little, and they’ll come to you when they’re older.

7. Tell them when you notice

We are not advocates of traditional praise. Studies show that it does little to actually encourage positive behaviors, and as Montessorians our intention is to let children focus on how they feel about their work and not to seek approval from others. The solution? Phrase your praise differently. Instead of “Nice job!” try “I notice you worked really hard to get that done. How do you feel?” Focus on your observation and their perspective rather than your own opinions.

8. Cuddle

Perhaps the simplest tip on the list, it’s a super important one. Make time to snuggle with your little ones as long as they will let you. When they get older and no longer want that, hugs, pats on the back, or a squeeze of their hand are other physical ways to show your love.

9. Say it in another language

Just to mix it up and have fun, learn how to say “I love you” in another language. American Sign Language is a simple and fun way that can let you and your child tell each other without verbally saying a word. You can even make up your own silly and secret code phrase that means “I love you”.

10. Help them

We spend a lot of time working hard to foster independence in our children, and it’s really important to do so. Just remember, though, that we all need help sometimes. Perhaps your child has been zipping their own jacket for a year now, but their having a tough day and your notice they’re struggling. Ask them if they’d like your help. This doesn’t make them any less independent (especially when it’s once in a while), it just teaches them that we can all show each other a little kindness.

Have you tried any of these tips before? Let us know how they work out for you and if you have any others you think should be on the list!

Realistic Parenting


When we become parents, we get to experience a range of human instincts we had never imagined previously.  We understand on a deep, primal level that we are responsible for the safe and successful growth of our child as they move toward maturity.  This is no small task, and sometimes just the thought of what we must do can feel crippling.

Couple that huge responsibility with the constant influx of parenting advice and information that we are subjected to today, and the task can seem nearly impossible.  Parents are left feeling overwhelmed, underprepared, and anxious about every little decision.  We spend more time with our children and know more about them as individual people than parents of any other generation, yet too many of us worry that we are failing them in some way (either once in a while or more often than that).

We invite you to step back with us and take a collective deep breath.  We want you to know that it doesn’t have to feel this way.

We want you to know that you are already an amazing parent.  If you love your child and genuinely care about their well-being, you are doing a great job.  

Here are a few statements that may come in handy, today or some other day:

  • That behavior your child has been displaying?  It’s probably developmentally appropriate and will change in time.

  • That study you read that contradicts with what you’ve already been doing?  Take it with a grain of salt; not all scientific information is definitive. 

  • That advice you’ve been getting from your mother-in-law/friend/stranger in the grocery store?  Smile and move on with your day.  You know what’s best for your child.

  • Those stunning pictures of playrooms you’ve seen on Instagram?  Social media gives us a false sense of expectations.  It’s not reality.  You’re not seeing what’s just outside the frame.  

  • That must-have toy/book/play structure that will set your child behind if they don’t have it?  They will be fine without it.

  • The same goes for all those extracurriculars - encourage your child to follow their passions, but they don’t need to have sports, music, language, and art classes in their life all at once.  

  • That article you read on our blog that makes you feel like you’ve missed the mark somewhere along the way?  You haven’t!  There is so much information available - some helpful and some not - take the bits that work for you and leave the ones that don’t.

  • It is not your responsibility to keep your child happy 24/7.  Happiness comes from within, and it’s not normal to feel that way all the time.  

  • Those moments when you feel like a rotten parent?  Well, we all have those moments.  The truth is, we all make mistakes, but more often than not we are holding ourselves accountable to unrealistic standards.  Sometimes we have to sit with feeling frustrated and uncomfortable, because parenting isn’t always roses and rainbows.

We’re going to go out on a limb and guess that none of this is news to you.  We just want you to hear it from us: parenting is not a perfect art.  There are no experts.  Even those moms and dads that seem to have it together have their moments!

So, what can we actually do as parents?  How can we raise our children with mindfulness, love, and gratitude?  The key is to just keep it simple.  When the days start to feel too hectic and crazy, dial it back.  Find your way back to joyful living as a family.

Here are a few simple ways to be a great parent without stressing about being a great parent:

1. Don’t worry about what other people think. 

So your 5-year-old wants to wear the right side of their hair in a braid and the other side down and full of sparkly clips to that party at Grandma’s house?  Let them!  If someone can’t appreciate the adorable creative expression, that’s on them.  The same goes for a million other parenting choices that people often feel they have the right to criticize.  They don’t.  If you’re feeling brave you could politely tell them so, but if not a vague smile and nod goes a long way.

2. Encourage your child to be independent. 

You don’t need to be on every moment.  Your child should be able to entertain themselves some of the time.  Of course the length and duration of time will vary greatly depending on age, but you can teach them early that they are able to do things for themselves.  Not only will this allow you to focus some of your time on necessary tasks (including that moment to just sit with a piece of chocolate), but you will be helping your child learn critical skills that will carry them through the rest of their lives.

3. Lean on your community. 

You don’t have to do this parenting thing alone.  We all need other adults in our village to get us through the tough times and help us celebrate the good ones.  Look to your child’s teachers, other parents, or friends when you need them.  While we shouldn’t take all the information thrown at us too seriously, we should have people we trust and can turn to when we actually do need advice.  Sometimes it can feel empowering just to hear that others are going through similar experiences.  If you don’t already have parent friends, make a point to seek some out.  Time spent with them will help put everything into perspective.

We hope this article has put a little bit of love into your day.  If you need any support on this (or any other) topic, please feel free to reach out.  We are here for you.  

Montessori Basics: Cosmic Education


When Dr. Montessori began developing the elementary curriculum, she knew it had to be vastly different from the work of younger children.  Not only were the academic skills to be more challenging, but the manner in which content was to be delivered shouldn’t be the same.  This was because she understood that in the second plane of development (ages 6-12), children’s needs are very different from the needs of their younger selves.

She coined the term cosmic education to describe the work done in the elementary years.  Around age 6, a child’s scope of vision tends to expand beyond themselves.  Social connections are suddenly far more important, they develop vivid imaginations, and they become curious about their world, their universe, and how they fit into the big picture.  Our task is to provide a framework in which they can explore those areas.

One way we tap into the wonder of the elementary mind is via what we call the Great Lessons.  The five Great Lessons are not synonymous with cosmic education, but rather they are a springboard from which the work can begin.  These lessons are dramatic and impressionistic.  They open doors in the child’s imagination from which a wide scope of learning can begin.

These five lessons are given each year, although some schools may divide them between lower and upper elementary levels.  Over the course of three years in a classroom, a child will receive a lesson three times, with a different level of deepening understanding each time.  The weeks and months that follow will include many related lessons, though these may vary from year to year in order to cover a range of topics and student interests.

The Beginning/The Creation of the Universe

Typically given near the beginning of the school year, this lesson is a delight for children.  The guide prepares materials while the children are elsewhere: a long series of “experiments” and other props that will be used during the telling of the story.  The blinds are drawn, lights turned off, and perhaps there is some soft music playing as the students arrive and take their seats facing the guide.

The story begins with a description of the time before our universe began: how it was colder and darker than we can even imagine, and how in an instant [a black balloon filled with glitter and confetti is popped] it came into being.  A soft candle is lit, and the guide launches into storytelling about how different particles came together and moved apart.  They talk about the immense number of stars in our universe, states of matter, how quickly light travels, and how the solar system and the surface of the Earth formed over time.  The lesson culminates with the explosion of a model volcano, and setting the stage for the life that was to come in Earth’s future.

Follow-up lessons and work are often related to the study of space, chemistry, physics, geology, and geography.  The lesson is also a great prequel to teaching children about the scientific method and how to conduct experiments.  

The Coming of Life

A bit later in the school year the children will begin to learn about the evolution of life on Earth.  Two materials: the Long Black Strip and the Clock of Eras give children a visual idea of the amount of time Earth has been in existence compared to how long humans (and other living beings) have been here.  It’s often shocking for children (and adults!) to see a long black strip of fabric (Earth’s lifespan) running the length of a long hallway, with a tiny strip of white at one end to represent all of humanity.  These types of lessons are humbling to children, and they begin to give them a sense of connection to those that have come before us.

The main event of this great lesson, however, is the Timeline of Life.  This gorgeous, colorful, illustrated material shows children just how life has evolved throughout history.  From early one-celled organisms to the first plants, and invertebrates, through the various vertebrates throughout time, children in the elementary years adore this work.  They learn about how fossils are our records of the past, and how our understanding of the past changes with each new discovery.  (The Timeline of Life has been revised several times!)

Follow-up work includes plenty of biology content.  Children learn about the five kingdoms of life on Earth.  They take a close look at the five classes of vertebrates, their external features, and internal body functions.  They learn about the biology of plants as well, from algae and mosses to flowering and fruiting plants, and so many more.

The Coming of Humans

This lesson includes a beautiful timeline as well that displays dates and evidence of our evolution from the earliest hominids to the present day.  Children learn about what makes humans special, and how our ability to think, feel, and work have let us make developments that are unique to our species.  They learn about the migration humans have made across the globe and how we have used various tools and technologies to make our lives easier.

Montessori guides introduce children to the concept of the fundamental needs of humans.  We discuss what those needs are and how we meet them today.  One material allows children to explore how these same needs have been met by various civilizations throughout history.  Learning about our past as a species is important for children in the second plane of development.  It helps them develop a sense of self, and a sense of belonging in the bigger picture.

The History of Mathematics

Simply put, children are fascinated to learn about the origins of math and numbers.  This focus allows them to take a peek at how math has transformed over time, and to learn which people have made significant contributions to our mathematical understanding.

This comes at a perfect time, as they are simultaneously learning the foundational math skills that will take them through the rest of their lives.  When a child is working on their subtraction problems and they are able to relate it back to the beginnings of subtraction, the work is so much more meaningful and exciting for them.

The History of Language

Similar to the previous lesson, the history of language gives children a framework in which they might place their own learning of language.  By this time in their lives they have mastered oral language, but they are still very much engaged in the development of their own reading and writing skills.  To learn about the origins of such things is empowering and fascinating, and makes their work more special than it otherwise would be.

We hope this has been an interesting topic to read about.  If you have any questions or would like to observe in our elementary program to see cosmic education at work, please let us know!  We think you will find the experience enlightening and rewarding.